Temple Beth-El helps deliver meals to homeless veterans
This past Memorial Day and Independence Day, members of Temple Beth-El participated with the Neighborhood Faith Convening and Via Metropolitan Transit to deliver meals to over 160 homeless veterans at the GI-Forum’s Veterans’ Residence.
The other faith-based organizations in the Neighborhood Faith Convening are Christ Episcopal Church, Laurel Heights United Methodist Church, Metropolitan Community Church of San Antonio, University Presbyterian Church, and Trinity Baptist Church.
Temple Beth-El also helps feed the hungry throughout the year through the congregation’s year-round food pantry. The pantry is open during the week and is available to all who need food. Donations are welcome and always needed.
Food items that are needed are soup-to-go cups, tuna pouches, microwavable bowls, peanut butter and other portable meals. For any questions, please contact Ross Halfant at [email protected].