2020 – a year of generosity and gratitude 

A Message from the Jewish Federation of San Antonio 

March 15, 2021

In a year that was challenging and filled with uncertainty for so many, yet the commitment of the San Antonio Jewish Community is unwavering. 


In March 2020, the community rallied to meet the Blend Family’s challenge grant raising $500,000 for the Community Crisis Campaign. These funds, now in the 5th round of impact grants, have provided stability for local Jewish organizations so they could get through funding of PPE loans, engagement programs to encourage new innovative ideas and efforts to reach members of our community in lonely times, and to meet specific community and agency needs.  

The Jewish Federations of North America issued a Human Crisis Matching Grant to inspire first-time donors, as well as for donors to increase their 2020 Annual Campaign gift. Over 300 donors responded to this challenge enabling San Antonio to receive $75,000 in matching funds. 


The challenges of COVID-19 inspired many people in our community to open their hearts in support of the causes that are most important to them – health and mental services, transportation and meals for seniors while ensuring the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio provides resources to educators and students. Your giving turns intention into reality with the Annual Campaign which surpassed the 2019 capaign, raising over $1.4 Million.  

On Tuesday, January 19th,  the community celebrated the success of this year’s fundraising efforts; Federation thanks everyone who has so generously made a gift to the Community Crisis Campaign and the 2020 Annual Campaign. Together, we will meet the needs of Jews in San Antonio, overseas, and in Israel.  


To learn more about the philanthropic efforts and impact in the San Antonio Jewish community, contact Federation’s Director of Philanthropy Beth Keough at [email protected] | 210.302.6813 

Learn more at jfsatx.org 


*This article was featured in the print Jewish Journal Passover edition