PJ Library Brings Jewish Families Together to Continue to Celebrate Summer
During the month of July, PJ Library gave families celebrating Judaism two opportunities to unite with friends from around town, meet new families and friends, and celebrate summer with a fun, Jewish component.
Families met at Baskin Robbins at the Alon Market for the PJ Library Summer Scoops “after-camp” get together on July 17th. Eva Laporte, Director of Communications and Engagement at the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, served as the reader. She shared the PJ Library favorite, Estie the Mensch, The PJ Library children learned about ways to be a mensch and incorporate “Jewish Summer Fun” into their schedule. Children and adults alike enjoyed delicious toppings on their ice cream provided by the Jewish Federation of San Antonio and Baskin Robbins.
The Pearl Brewery Splash Pad was the location for the second get together of the month. The theme was Noah’s Ark, and PJ Library families were invited to build their own edible ark to enjoy. Rabbi Marina Yergin read Old McNoah Had An Ark and invited the children to make believe by bringing their animals, and animal sounds, on the ark. Although the San Antonio summer heat had been blazing, the water from the splash pad kept the children cool and happy to celebrate Summer.
To learn more about PJ Library, a program of the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, visit PJ Library San Antonio on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/PJLibrarySanAntonio/] and Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/pjlibrarysa/] Contact Lauren Abraham, Education and Engagement Coordinator, with any questions | [email protected]