Federation Now Accepting Applications for Scholarships, Camperships, and Program Grants

March 1, 2021
Each year, the Jewish Federation of San Antonio awards camperships and scholarships to San Antonio area students, as well as program grants to local non-profit 501(c)3 organizations for programs and projects to ensure and promote the vitality of the Jewish community.
The application process begins late in February and community members can access the guidelines and applications online at jfsatx.org/apply. All materials and applications are due online no later than Friday, April 9, 2021.
Scholarships and program grants are awarded with funds from the Jewish Federation of San Antonio by a special committee, the Grants Distribution Committee (GDC). After receiving applications from the community, the committee meets to carefully review the information and allocate the funds.
Applications are available for:
- Children entering grades 2 through 12 to attend Jewish overnight camps
- Students entering 9th – 12th grade to attend Jewish overnight high schools
- Undergraduate studies at a college, university, or technical school
- Undergraduate studies for pre-med
- Postgraduate degrees in Jewish education, or rabbinical or cantorial studies
- Program grants for non-profit agencies with new projects or programs that benefit Jewish Bexar County residents
If you have questions about the applications or process, please contact Beth Keough, Director of Philanthropy, at [email protected] or 210.302.6813.