G’MACH to the Rescue

June 20, 2022
The new medical G’Mach, ” Gimelut Chasadim” – better known as “Acts of Loving Kindness” lends wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, shower chairs, etc, to those in the Jewish community who are in need of medical equipment for a limited period of time.  G’Mach lends medical equipment free of charge.  Yes, FREE!
IMAGINE…..An elderly person is visiting for a few weeks and would like to experience the Riverwalk, but cannot walk that far.  G’Mach to the rescue.
THINK……The doctor recommends giving that broken leg a chance to heal, and you need a wheelchair for the short term.  G’Mach to the rescue.
SUPPOSE…..Recovering from a fall or surgery, and feeling shaky while showering?  A shower bench would be helpful.   G’Mach to the rescue.
SO……Medicare will not help you.  You don’t want to buy something for the short term.  Your need is understood.  G’Mach to the rescue.
Many families have been helped since opening in March.  If you need us, call us.  WE DO MITZVAHS.  Do you want to do a mitzvah?  If you have medical equipment gathering dust, donate it, and put it to good use.
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