Hadassah Looks at Water, Humans, and Trees for Tu Bishvat

January 3, 2022
The San Antonio Chapter of Hadassah will host a ZOOM session featuring practical ideas on saving water in honor of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish holiday for trees. The meeting, featuring San Antonio Water System Project Coordinator Mark Peterson, will be held at 2 pm CT on Sunday, January 23rd.
Peterson will address the issue of conservation from a human perspective. Far too often, conservation policies have ignored how our lifestyles have impacted the environment and water usage. Peterson takes a fun and interactive approach by sharing ideas and tips to cut water use while still enjoying the water we need. For instance, he will show how to use rain collection barrels to provide for our thirsty lawns and gardens, as well as show a related video. SAWS expert Education Programs Coordinator Heather Ginsburg will also participate in the ZOOM session.
Hadassah also has environmental activities through its partner in Israel, the Jewish National Fund. The JNF is best known for its reforestation efforts. Hadassah members are able to support this by purchasing trees to be planted in Israel. Tu B’Shevat is the traditional time for members to turn in their “blue boxes” or “pushkes” to fund the JNF. Trees planted in Israel will be available to purchase through Hadassah during the January 23rd Zoom Program.
Please let us know that you plan to attend by contacting Hadassah Member Pal Kalmans, at [email protected]