Hadassah San Antonio Installs 2025 Officers

At a luncheon at Milano’s on Wurzbach on Sunday, Jan. 25, the San Antonio Chapter of Hadassah installed its new board for 2025.
Local leader Sandy Shaenfield performed the ceremony, linking each board member with a prominent American Jewish woman as a role model.
The new officers are: Marion Bernstein, president; Roberta Abelman, treasurer; Cheryl Levinson, corresponding secretary; Kathy O’Neill, recording secretary; Dawn Gonzales, membership; Debbie Kessler Linck, programming; Joan Westgor, social media; and Sharon Gewertz, records administrator. Sharon Gewertz also serves as Greater Soutwest Region’s Treasurer and Marion as Recording Secretary.
One of Hadassah’s missions is to advocate on behalf of women and families. As January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, chapter president Marion Bernstein led a discussion on this topic. An international problem, trafficking in people is the third most common form of criminal trade, ranking just behind drugs and weapons. Hadassah’s taken a strong position in support of federal efforts to stop this modern form of slavery.