HFLA-SA is gathering stories for their 100th anniversary

October 5, 2021

Chanukah, celebrating regaining the right to live freely as Jews in Israel.  Just as we celebrate the miracles (some big and obvious, others subtle or hidden) associated with Chanukah, we will soon celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Jewish community quietly caring for its financially challenged members.

In 2024, Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio will celebrate 100 years of supplying interest-free loans to friends and neighbors needing a financial hand-up. Over the decades, HFLA-SA has helped thousands work through financial crises. We are seeking historical records and personal reflections of how HFLA-SA played a role in your lives. Whether a loan recipient, donor, or both, your stories are the deeply personal memories of a community in action, quietly serving its vulnerable members.

Please send your stories and any documents you might have that will add to our online collection and historical memory to [email protected].

We will periodically publish stories leading up to our 100th anniversary and hope the entire community will join us in saluting our founders, donors, and borrowers who made HFLA-SA a vital part of our Jewish community. Our ability to aid our friends and neighbors is a direct result of support from you and other generous donors. HFLA-SA is also most grateful for its support from the Jewish Federation of San Antonio through its two designated loan funds.

To apply for a loan or support our work, please see www.hfla-sa.org.  HFLA-SA’s Board and Staff wish you and your families a happy and safe Chanukah.