Hillel at Texas A&M Kicks Off Spring Semester with a Bang

College Station, TX – The spring semester at Texas A&M Hillel is off to a snowy start! Following a successful “Welcome Back Breakfast for Dinner” bash, Aggie Hillel has a packed schedule of exciting events planned.

“I’m excited by the events that the Student Board has planned for this semester,” said Risa Bierman, Executive DIrector. “From community service projects to engaging Israel programming and, of course, plenty of opportunities for fun, there’s something for everyone.”

New This Semester:

  • Hillel Book Club: This student-led initiative provides students an opportunity to read books in a wide range of genres and come together to engage in meaningful discussions.
  • Senior Support: Recognizing the importance of continued Jewish engagement beyond college, Hillel is creating valuable resources for graduating seniors to help them navigate their post-collegiate Jewish journey.

Upcoming Highlights:

  • Aggie Israel Fair: Mark your calendars for April 7th! This on-campus event will showcase Israeli culture and fosters a deeper understanding of Israel among the student body.
  • Community Service: Hillel remains committed to community service, with various opportunities for students to give back to the local community and make a positive impact.

Aggie Hillel encourages all students to get involved and experience the vibrant and welcoming atmosphere at Texas A&M Hillel.  Texas A&M has a strong Jewish community  that enriches our students and fosters a strong sense of community.

For more information about Texas A&M Hillel and its upcoming events, please visit tamuhillel.org, email [email protected] or call 979.703-1856.