Jewish Federation of San Antonio Receives Early Childhood Security Grant

Jewish institutions across the U.S. have tightened security measures as a response to an increase in antisemitism since the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. Because those measures have come at great financial cost to the community, the Jewish Federation of San Antonio has been working to identify outside funding to help offset the costs incurred by our local synagogues, schools, and agencies.

The Jewish Federation of San Antonio is pleased to announce they were named as a recipient of a national grant funded by the Tepper Foundation and awarded through the Jewish Federations of North America. The nearly $100,000 grant is aimed at addressing urgent increased security needs and focuses on supporting security for programs and institutions providing services to Jewish early-aged children (0-5) through the end of 2024.

The Tepper Foundation, whose focus is on combatting identity-based hate, identified a need for security personnel in Jewish institutions serving young children. “At the Tepper Foundation, we believe that everyone has the right to enjoy the full expression of their identities, and that includes feeling safe in their local meeting spaces and places of worship,” said David Tepper, Founder and Chair of the Board of the Tepper Foundation. Tepper focused on safeguarding Jewish spaces frequented by families and children for this nationwide grant.

Lisa Epstein, Director of the JCRC and Community Security Liaison, announced that local recipients of the grant will be:

  1. Chabad Center for Jewish Life and Learning
  2. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus of the San Antonio Jewish Community
  3. Congregation Agudas Achim
  4. Congregation Rodfei Sholom and Starr Family Jewish Day School

The Jewish Federation of San Antonio is happy to help create a safe, secure, and flourishing Jewish community.