Multi-Generational Lessons
December 17, 2021 This week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, provides our first insight into the unique…
December 17, 2021 This week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, provides our first insight into the unique…
December 10, 2021 A number of years ago, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l wrote a…
December 3, 2021 This week’s Torah portion, Miketz, introduces us to the final phase of…
December 1, 2021 The Young Adult Division (YAD) of the Jewish Federation has launched its…
December 1, 2021 On Sunday, November 7, the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio hosted…
December 1, 2021 On Tuesday, November 9, the Jewish Federation of San Antonio and its Holocaust Memorial Museum hosted…
December 1, 2021 Giving Tzedakah is an important part of the Shabbat celebration every Friday…
December 1, 2021 The Barshop JCC is pleased to be hosting two well-known Jewish authors…
December 1, 2021 It began in November 2018, with a special letter of request from…
December 1, 2021 In honor of Veterans Day, TASA welcomed a visit from an Airforce…