The Annual MLK Citywide Interfaith Worship Service

February 1, 2022

For 35 years, diverse religious groups have come together to plan a citywide interfaith worship service honoring the aspirations of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with particular emphasis on his ideal of brotherhood.

Religious leaders demonstrate cooperation and community building through this interfaith service. Even more so, during a time of fracturing and divisiveness in society, religious communities in San Antonio show that it is possible to step aside from any differences we may have to work together to plan a meaningful program for all.

The Jewish community continues to play an active role in planning the service, with Temple Beth-El hosting this year’s program. This year, for the first time, American Sign Language interpreters were present to aid those that are hearing impaired. Unfortunately, due to concerns over COVID, the in-person service had a limited capacity and was live-streamed through Temple Beth-El, Catholic Television, and SATV.

Rabbi Mara Nathan opened the service with welcoming remarks, and was was preceded by Dan Klein who played a trombone prelude. The shofar was blown this year by Kevin Epstein, with assistance from his wife, Lisa Epstein, who made the calls. Lisa, the Federation’s JCRC Director, also serves on the MLK Interfaith Service Planning Committee along with Rachel Walsh. Byrd Bonner, another committee member, introduced the guest speaker Lamont Jefferson, an experienced local attorney who has served the community. Nettie Hinton arranged for a praise dance group from Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church to perform. Dr. Rajam Ramamurthy brought an accomplished Hindu dancer from the Arathi School of Dance. John Gaines invited two members of his Bahaí Local Spiritual Assembly to give a prayer in English and Spanish. Mehmet Oguz, representing the Raindrop Foundation, offered a Muslim prayer.

Judy Lackritz, 2022 Chair MLK Citywide Interfaith Service Planning Committee, introduced the MLK Commission Chair Renee Watson, and honored long-time MLK photographer Allee Wallace. She also spoke about the ongoing MLK weekend exchange that has been held for seven years between Temple Beth-El and Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.