Shalom Y’all from the CEO
Check back weekly for a Shalom Y’all message from Federation CEO, Nammie Ichilov
Remember the days of old
September 17, 2021 I have always considered these weeks between Rosh Hashanah and Simhat Torah…
Ten Days of Teshuvah
September 10, 2021 Picture the scene, Moses standing in front of the Hebrew tribes sharing…
Our Jewish Peoplehood
September 3, 2021 The concept of “Jewish Peoplehood” is commonly traced back to this week’s…
With all thy might
August 27, 2021 A strange thing happened while reading this week’s Torah portion, Ki Tavo;…
Remembering to Forget
August 20, 2021 How exactly does someone “remember to forget”? Well, that is Gd’s closing…
The Trees of the Field
August 13, 2021 Over the years I have quoted extensive primary texts, countless rabbis, numerous…
The Mission of Maintaining the Roads
August 6, 2021 This week’s Re’eh Torah reading begins with the words, “Behold [Re’eh], I…
Two Ears and One Mouth
July 30, 2021 I begin this week’s column with a confession, or maybe it’s an…