Celebrate Passover with Congregation Agudas Achim  

March 15, 2021

Agudas invites you to their annual “Burn the Chametz” event on Wednesday, March 24th at 5 pmYou are invited burn your chametz in the parking lot and receive a special kit to search your home for crumbs while cleaning and preparing for the holiday of Passover. To cool off, enjoy an ice cream sundae. 

Agudas will also be hosting a Creative Interactive Seder on Sunday, February 21st at 7 pm on Zoom. All ages are welcome to join this meaningful experience. 

Adult Education opportunities are available as well and all will be held virtually on Zoom. To prepare for the holidays, Rabbi Cohen will be teaching a “Pre-Passover Prep Class” on Thursday, March 18 at 7 pmRabbi Richards will be teaching a class on “Pesach in the Talmud” on Thursday, March 25 at 7 pm 

A new monthly program called “Havdallah around the World” starts on March 13 at 7:15 pmParticipants will gather on Zoom for an Egyptian-style Havdallah and Passover music.  

Although we can’t be together in person this year for Passover, Agudas Achim is providing a way for you to celebrate your Seder from home at any time. The virtual Seder will be sent out via email to the congregation. Nonmembers feel free to contact Agudas for the link. We are hopeful that all members of the San Antonio Jewish community feel comfortable with the necessary resources to have a Seder in their homes,” said Agudas’ Director of Congregational Learning, Samantha Mazuz. “Congregation Agudas Achim wish all a Happy Passover.” 

For questions, Zoom links, or to rsvpplease contact Director of Congregational Learning, Samantha Mazuz at (210) 479-2689 or email [email protected]. 


*This article was featured in the Jewish Journal Passover print edition