Day at the State 2023

March 1, 2023
by Darah Rivera
On Monday, February 13, Jewish communities from across Texas visited the capitol in Austin to partake in the biennial Day at the State. This event brings together community leaders, policymakers, and advocates to discuss key issues affecting the Jewish community in the state of Texas, and featured panel discussions, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities. The main topics covered at this year’s Day at the State included antisemitism, security, and healthcare for our senior community.
JCRC representatives spoke to 7 state representatives and senators on the primary issues outlined for the day. Additionally, participants listened to panel discussions featuring expert speakers, including Rep. Craig Goldman, Rep. Gio Capriglione, and multiple leaders from the Jewish community who shared their knowledge and experiences and engaged in lively and productive discussions with the audience.
Overall, the event was a huge success, and it is sure to have a positive impact on the Jewish community in San Antonio and throughout the state of Texas. I’m incredibly thankful to have had the chance to take part in such a fantastic opportunity that raised awareness for our community just when we needed it.