Deep in the heart of Texas: Alamo Brandeis B’nai B’rith Lodge
Due to the current pandemic, the Alamo Brandeis Lodge has not held in person meetings. Instead, Lodge members participated in a number of programs sponsored by various organizations in Texas. Some of these programs included the recent tribute to the Feinberg family through the Shmuel Bass Torah Academy of San Antonio Casino Night.
B’nai B’rith has been in existence in San Antonio since 1872. In recent years B’nai B’rith members have organized blood drives, mentored students and provided support to San Antonio Jewish Senior Services, BBYO, and Hillels at UTSA, UT Austin and Texas A&M.
Are you interested in joining a small but active organization focused on the mitzvah of assisting others? Contact Lodge President Irwin Barath (210) 341-4502.