Special Film Screening hosted by Congregation Rodfei Sholom
September 15, 2021 Congregation Rodfei Sholom has organized a private screening of the film, Upheaval:…
Remember the days of old
September 17, 2021 I have always considered these weeks between Rosh Hashanah and Simhat Torah…
Ten Days of Teshuvah
September 10, 2021 Picture the scene, Moses standing in front of the Hebrew tribes sharing…
Our Jewish Peoplehood
September 3, 2021 The concept of “Jewish Peoplehood” is commonly traced back to this week’s…
J-LEV: a refreshed leadership program for Jewish adults
September 1, 2021 The Jewish Federation of San Antonio is proud to announce the first…
PJ Library wants to help you “Jew-It-Yourself”
The introductory class to Jew –It –Yourself (JIY) took place virtually on Monday, August 2nd at 7:30…
A Life to Remember
September 1, 2021 Ruth Reif was born to Jewish parents in Pabianice, Poland. She grew…
Congregation Shalom Online High Holiday Services Open to All
September 1, 2021 Congregation Shalom, San Antonio’s newest Reform congregation, will be conducting multi-access services…