UTSA Student Government Association Condemns Antisemitism and Adopts IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

May 15, 2021
On Thursday, April 29, 2021, UTSA’s Student Government Association unanimously passed a resolution that both condemns antisemitism and adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism.
In a release to Jewish Federation, the Student Government Association stated, “We know that antisemitism has taken on pernicious new forms in recent years, and we believe this definition is a first step in addressing this issue. As always, Hillel San Antonio is proactive in standing up for our students, building bridges, and fostering a positive campus climate.
“Similar resolutions at other college campuses are often difficult to pass and require a huge amount of time and resources. At UTSA, it took four passionate Hillel students – Maria Viramontes, Bennett Rosin, James Leonard, and Octavio Viramontes. Hillel is so proud of them, and so honored to partner with a University where it’s truly great to be Jewish.”
If you know of any current or incoming Jewish students in San Antonio, contact Natalie Steiner, UTSA’s Jewish Student Life Coordinator, at (210) 201-5397 or email her at [email protected]. Find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sahillel, follow us on Instagram at @sahillel, and on their website at HillelSA.org