A Legacy of Unity for Future Generations

I’ve been thinking a lot about Jewish unity lately, particularly here in San Antonio.  A few years back, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel with a group of men from our community through the Momentum Program. We came from different Jewish backgrounds — Reform, Conservative and Orthodox – some of us were Jews by Choice, others born into the faith.  What united us, was a love of Judaism and Israel. The feeling of fellowship and commitment to our ancient tradition and heritage inspired and awed us to action.  Of the seven of us led by Rabbi Avram Sheinberg, five us became synagogue presidents – two at Temple, two at Agudas and one at Rodfei.

In this week’s parsha Mishpatim, the Israelites receive another 53 mitzvot. After receiving Gd’s laws, the Israelites assembled at Mt. Sinai say, “We will do and understand everything the Lord has said.”  The rabbis in our tradition debate the meaning of these words. Do they mean the people agreed to observe the laws the same way? Do they leave room for Jews to understand them differently?  If so, what then unites us as a people, regardless of how we understand the laws?

According to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, “We will do and understand,” means: we will do in the same way; we will understand in our own way. I believe that action unites us, leaving us space to find our own way to faith.”  I also believe action is what unites us as Jews. 

As communicated in a letter this week to the Jewish Community of San Antonio and South-Texas, our community is developing plans to secure our future here in San Antonio. This extraordinary effort will require hard work, leadership and unity. Only as a united community, committed to action and focused on a common vision, will we get the job done and create a legacy for future generations. The response to this letter has been remarkable, with dozens of people reaching out to do their part. Yet, even more people are needed. You are needed.

My prayer is that we can all be awed and inspired to action as our ancestors were at Mt. Sinai and my Momentum brothers were in Israel. 

Shabbat Shalom,
Craig Berkowitch
Past President, Congregation Agudas Achim
Board Member, Jewish Federation of San Antonio