Your Dollars Make a Global Impact

Just like the menorah that casts light in the darkness, the Federation has completed its 2024 annual campaign and will now begin allocating those funds. Distributing your contributions locally and globally makes an impact that brings light to our community and the world. Without your investment, essential projects would not get funded.
In Israel, we are a constant supporter for the imminent needs of our Partnership Region in the Western Galilee. Locally, your dollars support the Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council for advocacy and relationship building and the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Whether it is the 400-plus strong audience for the Catholic–Jewish Chanukah or the more than 45,000 students, police officers, politicians and visitors who have been affected by the Museum’s tours and programming, there is an impact.
The Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family Services, Hillel, Hebrew Free Loan, and many others receive an allocation that impacts community members from preschoolers to college-age young adults to seniors. This allocation impacts all cycles of life here in San Antonio.
Globally — what started in 1914 with a cablegram requesting the American Jewish community’s support in aiding starving Jews in Ottoman-era Palestine, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) continues to serve Jews and others in 70 countries. Your dollars make a global impact.
Today, using our Jewish values and commitment to mutual responsibility, your contributions are delivering care to the most vulnerable in Ukraine, the former Soviet Union, and beyond, helping at-risk populations in Israel, sustaining Jewish community life, and providing humanitarian aid in the developing world. This is in addition to the various crisis funds we have raised for Israel, Ukraine, Uvalde, and others.
In Israel, San Antonio is one of 17 US Jewish communities connected to the Western Galilee Partnership through the Jewish Agency for Israel Partnership2Gether (P2G). It promotes people-to-people relationships through cultural, social, medical, educational, and economic programs.
Please remember the final night of Hanukkah candles lighting up our homes. Think of all the good work your 2024 investment dollars will support and consider making a gift to our 2025 annual campaign. Together, our dollars help create a light in the darkness.
Shabbat Shalom
Randall Czarlinsky
Interim CEO, Jewish Federation of San Antonio